Otizm Spektrum Bozukluğunda El 2D:4D Parmak Oranı ve Yüz Simetrisi



There are many theories about the etiology of autism, and most striking is theory testosterone exposure in womb. In this study, it was investigated whether second fourth finger face measurements were symmetrical boys with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children normal development. For 30 diagnosed ASD compared normally developing boys. Photographs each individual's taken digitally made at eight different reference lengths on halves. Half-face among themselves control group healthy addition, symmetry level analyzed by photographing right left hands measuring (2D) (4D) fingers for detection. As a result analysis, determined that faces individuals more than development, 2D-4B closer to other as severity increased, tendency increased both fingers. The detected hand compatible high exposed womb and, accordingly, excessive male brain theory.

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عنوان ژورنال: Çocuk ve geli?im dergisi

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2636-8935']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36731/cg.1097071